Friday 16th July, 2021 23.9km
Sunrise |
2194.7 / 2904.2km
It was a beautiful sunrise, it should have warned me of the day to come. Yesterday was warm, today was warmer. Much too warm to cover a lot of ground and I was covered in sweat most of the day and water was an issue as I spent a lot of time in a State Forest area. Also going across the ranges meant the creeks were dry.
I made two blues today. The first one was about nearly 2 kilometre before I realised and today being hot it was hard to make up. Again there was no sign at the turnoff down a fence line and the second one I only thought about because a motor bike had sped out of an obscure track. Somedays the write ups are useless and then, when your not reading the notes you miss some clues.
The track through State Forest |
Later in the day I was looking for a 4wd track down to Schaeffer's crossing of the Burnett River, only to see that the crossing had washed away many years ago and a car had not driven up the hill for 10 or 15 years. There was no clue a car had ever driven up there.
In the end I found the road reserve down to the river. There was running water which I haven't seen for a while and I was able to overload on water, finally. I was down to about 400ml of water before I hit the river. I bathed and set up the tent as a couple of storms passed by. That was all over by midnight and it was finally a cooler night.
With the mistakes, I was about 4 kilometres short for the day with a 32 kilometre following day turning into a 36 kilometre day to get to Biggenden.
A python, about 2m long |
Camp on the riverbank |